Covid-19 Community Update: 18 June

Warm Springs, OR June 18, 2020

Contact: Louie Pitt, Jr.
Director Government Affairs & Planning
Phones: 541-553-3540/541-777-1359

“As of 4:30p on 6/18/2020 – Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center has sent in or tested 852 Total Tests, 775 Total Negative, 19 Test Pending, 55 Total Positive Cases, 3 Total Invalid, 4 Hospitalized, 2 Discharged, 42 Recovered. Note – the STATE lab is taking 24-48 hours for results Our testing capability currently stands at 318 STATE and 363 ABBOTT test kits. We continue to do random surveillance testing of our high-risk community members. We have begun a broader surveillance of the CTWS employees.” Hyllis Dauphinais, Sr., CEO Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center

A reminder to our Warm Springs Reservation community: our cautious opening of tribal government, with 50 percent of tribal government returning to their workplaces, the Indian Head Casino reopening and Museum at Warm Springs planned reopening July 7th -we are hoping our cautious, phased in reopening of our government and enterprises will be rewarded.

In the State of Oregon, Governor Brown balancing economic recovery with public safety; emphasizing staying safe/stay healthy; acknowledging Union county’s dropping back to Phase I opening due to recent outbreak. In national news 23 states are seeing upward trends in newly reported cases from one week to the next. Oregon is one of the 23 states. “…..more complacency …has led to full blown outbreaks.” Said Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration.

Good medicine these days is more than a little white pill, today, change of habits and ways of life will be the best medicine. Wear face masks, social distance (6 feet, at least) if no mask, wash hands, avoid crowds, clean and disinfect touchable areas regularly, avoid sick people, monitor you own health: Corona Virus Symptoms are cough, temperature, shortness of breath, chills, shivers and can be mistaken for the flu…..please see your health provider if you feel ill…..and if advised by a health provider or nurse—take the instructions seriously.

To check Oregon Status as of 0800 on 6/18/2020 go to

Also Center for Disease Control go to:


Press Release 6-18-2020
