The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Cultural Resources Office works for the protection, preservation, and enhancement of cultural resources for current and future generations.
Part of the Tribes’ Natural Resources Branch, the department works on cultural inventories on reservation. Most of the inventories are dictated on a project-by-project basis. Inventory is done for timber sales and fire under burns along with structure and road construction projects. The department also works off reservation with Federal, State, County and City entities, in protection and enhancement of the tribe’s cultural resources.
The department also acts as the Tribes’ technical advisor on pertinent Federal laws such as the National Historic Preservation Act, the Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Act and the Archaeological Resources Protection Act as well as all pertinent State cultural resource laws.
Cultural Resources conducts oral history studies and archaeological inventories both on and off the reservation. The department reviews and comments on all projects in our ceded lands and usual and accustom areas.