Warm Springs, OR — June 17, 2020
Contact: Louie Pitt, Jr.
Director Government Affairs & Planning
Email: louie.pitt@wstribes.org
Phones: 541-553-3540/541-777-1359
“As of 4:30p on 6/17/2020 – Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center has sent in or tested 830 Total Tests, 747 Total Negative, 26 Test Pending, 54 Total Positive Cases, 3 Total Invalid, 4 Hospitalized, 2 Discharged, 42 Recovered. Note – the STATE lab is taking 24-48 hours for results Our testing capability currently stands at 332 STATE and 371 ABBOTT test kits. We continue to do random surveillance testing of our high-risk community members. We have begun a broader surveillance of the CTWS employees.” Hyllis Dauphinais, Sr., CEO Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center
The Warm Springs CoVID-19 Response team passes on guidelines from the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the Oregon Health Authority, the following comes from CDC:
Considerations for Events and Gatherings—as more event openings are being planned—”Organizers should continue to assess, based on current conditions, whether to postpone, cancel, or significantly reduce the number of attendees for gatherings. The more people an individual interacts with at a gathering and the longer that interaction lasts, the higher the potential risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 and COVID-19 spreading.”
“SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is thought to be mostly spread by respiratory droplets released when people talk, cough, or sneeze.” That is why the 6 foot social distancing, wearing of masks, avoiding large gatherings, along with washing of hands, cleaning and disinfecting touchable areas routinely can lower the risk of catching and spreading of COVID-19. Avoid “Hot Spots”, invite local family or friends, plan and organize your event with COVID-19 safety precautions in place, use signs as reminders and be firm with your rules. Although it is not as fulfilling as in person- virtual-only gatherings (over the cell phone or computer) and stay at home are still the best way to lower the risk.
To check Oregon Status as of 0800 on 6/17/2020 go to https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19
Also Center for Disease Control go to: cdc.gov