About Low Income Energy Assistance
Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a Federally-funded program that helps low-income households with their home energy bills.
Who is Eligible?
Low Income tribal households residing on the Reservation. Income guidelines vary each year as the state poverty guidelines are changed. LIHEAP eligibility is determined based on your family size and household income. Warm Springs figures are determined at 150% of the poverty guidelines.
Commonly Asked Questions
Can I get both wood and help with light bill? The answer is no, you can get one or the other but not both.
Can I get help from both Warm Springs and Madras? The answer is yes and no. If you get assistance from Warm Springs Madras will not assist you until the Warm Springs grant is gone and then they may or may not be able to help you based on what you received from Warm Springs.