Warm Springs, OR — June 9, 2020
Contact: Louie Pitt, Jr.
Director Government Affairs & Planning
Email: louie.pitt@wstribes.org
Phones: 541-553-3540/541-777-1359
“As of 4:30p on 6/9/2020 – Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center has sent in or tested 719 Total Tests, 640 Total Negative, 28 Test Pending, 48 Total Positive Cases, 3 Hospitalized, 2 Discharged 3 Total Invalid nd 26 have recovered. Note – the STATE lab is taking 24-48 hours for results. Our testing capability currently stands at 403 STATE and 476 ABBOTT test kits. We continue to do random surveillance testing of our high-risk community members. We will begin a broader surveillance of the CTWS employees, as staff begin to return to work in the coming weeks.” H. Dauphinais, Sr. from CoVID-19 Update
The general news around Oregon is the expectations of more positive cases due to more interactions between people; more tests for the virus and some hot spots due to employees working in close proximity to each other, all increasing the positive numbers. Locally the “new normal” has mask zones into all tribal buildings; temperature checking before entering work areas; continued social distancing and washing hands throughout the day….all helping to limit the chances of getting the Corona Virus-19 disease.
Please do your part to not bring the virus home. If instructed by our medical professionals to quarantine or isolate.