Warm Springs, OR — August 6, 2020
Contact: Louie Pitt, Jr.
Director Government Affairs & Planning
Email: louie.pitt@wstribes.org
Phones: 541-553-3540/541-777-1359
Note: Todays report will be delayed. “As of 4:45pm on 8/5/2020 – Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center has sent in or tested 2116 Total Tests, 1867 Total Negative, 34 Test Pending, 203 Total Positive Cases, 12 Total Invalid, 19 Hospitalized, 15 Discharged, 3 deaths and 150 Recovered. Note – the STATE lab is taking 24–48 hours for results and our maximum daily capacity for Rapid tests is 20-22. .” Hyllis D. Dauphinais, Sr., CEO, Warm Springs Health & Wellness Center, Ph: 541-553-6275
An unofficial report about this week: “127 tested as of this morning (8-6-20) 22 positives or 17.3 positivity rate, 1 death – two remain on ventilator, Primary spread is from family gatherings greater than 10 people, Totals: 2127 tested, 203 positives or 9.5% overall positivity rate, 4 deaths, 5 current hospitalizations and 3 on ventilator (total of 20 hospitalizations)”—data reported to CoVID-19 response team A serious reminder that if you are positive with the Corona Virus-19, the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs tribal government expects you to be responsible and isolate yourself……if not Ordinance 101 will allow detention of those that do not comply with ordered isolation/quarantine.
Agency Water Announcement: Update, August 6, 2020….”As the Public Utilities Division begins work to make repairs to the Shitike Creek Crossing, we are asking that all residents of the Agency area conserve as much water as possible from today through the weekend to facilitate a system shutdown that will occur on Saturday August 8, 1010. At this time, it is our intent to conserve enough water within our reservoirs to maintain pressures and flow for more critical demands like fire suppression through the scheduled shut down. It is anticipated that the water system will be back up and running by the endo of the day on Saturday barring any significant unforeseen events…..Affected residents should also take measures to protect their hot water tanks by shutting off the power to the tank until the water system is back up and running.” Travis Wells, General Manager, CTWS Branch of Public Utilities
The Boil Water Notice is still in effect for Warm Springs Agency area. For more information contact: The Branch of Public Utilities, Water and Wastewater division at (541)553-3246
Stay Home, Stay Safe
To check Oregon Status as of 0800 on 8/6/20 go to https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID