Warm Springs, OR — June 15, 2020
Contact: Louie Pitt, Jr.
Director Government Affairs & Planning
Email: louie.pitt@wstribes.org
Phones: 541-553-3540/541-777-1359
“As of 4:45p on 6/15/2020 – Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center has sent in or tested 765 Total Tests, 712 Total Negative, 0 pending, 50 positive, 3 Total Invalid, 4 Hospitalized, 2 Discharged and 42 have recovered. We had another non-covid 19 related hospitalization that was tested in the hospital and resulted positive. We also have 10 reported in the recovered category tonight. Note – the STATE lab is taking 24-48 hours for results. Our testing capability currently stands at 372 STATE and 396 ABBOTT test kits. We continue to do random surveillance testing of our high-risk community members. We have also begun a broader surveillance of the CTWS employees, as the community starts the reopen process.” Hyllis Dauphinais, Sr., CEO Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center
The Corona Virus 19 is still among us; news from around the nation has increases in some states, some opened up early, more testing and more getting out and interacting are some reasons for the increase. The Warm Springs CoVID-19 Response team appreciates the positives holding at 50 through a weekend. The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs has more employees returning to their work stations-another 25 percent….”…..contingent upon the number of Corona Virus-19 positive and community safety.
The Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center has reported that they’ve had no positive cases in their staff. Their safety protocols are to be celebrated, with their ongoing discipline—“Go Clinic!” as the local reservation residents say.
Summer-time in Central Oregon—-practice the basics plus one more…..a number of traffic accident fatalities, drive carefully, plan your trip, do not choose a “hot spot” (many CoVID-19 positives) bewary of any gathering. Always wear you face covering when out and about, social distance, wash hands often…..the new normal.