Covid-19 Community Update: 14 May

Warm Springs, OR May 14, 2020

Contact: Louie Pitt, Jr.
Director Government Affairs & Planning
Phones: 541-553-3540/541-777-1359

“As of 4:30pon 5/14/2020; The Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center Completed tests- with 279 total tests, 1 pending (State) 1 invalid – was repeated and included in the 279, 2 unsatisfactory test-repeated and included in the 279 tests, 17 total positive tests- 15 individual patients/cases, 1 presumptive case, 1 case not tested in Warm Springs, 258 Negative tests. Note – the STATE lab is taking 24-48 hours for results. Our testing capability currently stands at 127 STATE and 438 ABBOTT test kits (6 bx received today). We continue to do random surveillance testing of our high-risk community members.”—compiled from CoVID-19 Brief & Update, Hyllis Dauphinais, CEO, Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center

“Today, it has been reported that Jefferson County’s application to re-open (phase 1) has been approved by the governor’s office. With Madras being a central purchasing hub for many of our community members, it will be of paramount importance that every precaution we have been practicing locally continue when visiting Madras and the surrounding communities. Everyone should be wearing a face covering, excellent hand hygiene (remember to take hand sanitizer with you) and social distancing (>6 feet at all times). This will help prevent bringing any unwelcome virus into your home, family and community. “ CoVID-19 Brief & Update

The CTWS Tribes reservation lands are not under authority of Jefferson county and will not be a part of phase1, re-opening Friday. Tribal Council has protection of health, safety and lives as the priority and will reevaluate situation contingent upon the Corona Virus-19 on the reservation.


Press Release 5-14-2020
