Oregon State University Extension

Oregon State University Extension

About Oregon State University Extension

OSU Extension provides non-traditional educational opportunities for the community on topics including nutrition, healthy living, food preservation, youth development/4-H, agriculture, gardening, and horticulture.

Who is Eligible?

All Warm Springs residents may participate in classes offered. 4-H programs have age-specific requirements.

Commonly Asked Questions

Where do I find the Master Food Preserver class schedule? Look on the Warm Springs FCH (Family and Community Health) Facebook page for the most up-to-date information.

How do I sign my kid up for 4-H, and what clubs are available to him/her? Check out the Warm Springs 4-H Oregon Facebook page.

What agriculture classes are offered currently? Check out the Warm Springs Oregon State University Agriculture Facebook page for current offerings.


Online Forms

4-H youth and volunteer registration forms.