Government Affairs and Planning’s main function is to assist tribal government in maintaining communications with tribal membership, federal and state agencies, as well as federal and state legislators. Government Affairs also communicates with Oregon Tribes, Columbia River Treaty tribes and tribes of the region. The focus of this effort is to work with the governmental decision-makers, land managers and policy developers. The communications between tribal government and tribal membership must be efficient and timely. An important element of tribal governance is the leadership/membership on-going communications. Why our tribes carry out actions in modern times must relate to the tribal values that brought us here. Public relations, has become a less prioritized function of Government Affairs in recent times. A Public relations office is being considered in the near-term with budget considerations needed elsewhere. General information is conveyed to the public outside the reservation. The tribes own a newspaper and a radio station that shares governmental documents with public, ie. Resolutions and minutes. The tribal government reports important decision utilizing the radio and newspaper. Matters of great importance, will be thoroughly discussed with-in Tribal council, and if needed will be brought to the tribal membership through a referendum.
Mission: Maintain communications and relations with tribal governments (attend meetings/email/phone), within State and Columbia River Treaty tribes; also monitoring planning and legislation of federal, state, county, cities and towns that impact our tribal way of life, Middle Oregon Treaty of 1855 and other rights of Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Utilize on- reservation planning, land-use processes to orderly develop on reservation lands.
2017 Goals and Objectives: Maintain built up goodwill and trust with tribal, state, federal, county and local officials. New elected and appointed land managers need to be educated on CTWS’ treaty and other rights. In coordination with CTWS’s special situations with Tribal council and Natural Resources department monitor planning, projects and emergency issues on and off-reservation. Encourage education on Tribe’s distinct political entity authorities, like Harmony workshop, with federal agencies. Continue participation with Gorge Commission, Inlieu and Access, Tribal Government to State Government Clusters (G to G) and be available to educate government entities when invited. The Planning Department utilizes process in Ordinance 56 and 74 for orderly and transparent protection and development of on-reservation lands.
2016 Accomplishments: Maintained civil relations with all 9 Oregon Tribes with one exception. Maintained relations with Columbia River Treaty tribes, which is Yakama, Umatilla and Nez Perce. Assisting with Treaty Tribes pushing for operations and maintenance funding for Inlieu and Access sites, monitoring Columbia River Treaty efforts, assisting with housing due to takings by dams, maintained civil, professional and cordial relations with state legislators and federal staff, which helped in passing legislation favorable to tribes and acquiring funding for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ($1,000,000.) and Warm Springs US 26 safety projects ($1,500,000). Assisting with Land Buy Back Program, with Department of Interior, local and Washington D. C. for start up. Continued education of state, federal and private entities of infrastructure needs and need to diversify reservation. Monitor repatriation, encouraging tribal family involvement with tribal government efforts. Maintaining excellent relations with the Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, ODOT Executive Director and legislators in general. Participated in Political events with State and federal elected officials. Planning Department through tribal ordinances have protected tribal resources and assisted orderly development.