Warm Springs, OR — April 9, 2020
COVID-19 Community Update
April 9, 2020 – As of 5:00 p.m.
Currently there are zero cases of Corona Virus in Warm Springs. We have tested 16 individuals in
Warm Springs with 15 of those tests returning as negative and 1 test pending results. We will notify
the community when those results come back.
There was a permanent address resident of Jefferson County that has contracted COVID-19. That
individual contracted the virus in another state and did not stay in Jefferson County during the
infectious period. We understand that individual is receiving care out of the area.
Here is the statistics for our surrounding Counties:
Jefferson (Madras, Crooked River Ranch, WS) 0 Positive 90 Negative
Deschutes (Bend, Redmond, Sisters, Terrebonne) 50 Positive 937 Negative
Crook (Prineville) 1 Positive 91 Negative
Wasco (The Dalles, Celilo, Tygh Valley, Maupin) 7 Positive 218 Negative
Statewide: 1,321 Positive, 24,306 Negative, 44 Deaths
Age Demographic of Positive Cases Statewide:
0-19 31
20-29 141
30-39 203
40-49 245
50-59 237
60-69 241
70-79 138
80 + 84
Unknown 1
Again, stay home! Only go out for life necessities (groceries, medical needs). Wash your hands and
Social Distancing of a minimum of 6 feet apart.
The Clinic’s after hours nurse triage hotline is (541)553-5512. Regular hours is (541)553-1196.
Facemasks should be cleaned daily or when dirty. Wash using soap and warm water. Using a
washing machine, hand wash or a dishwasher are all equally good options. Use a dryer or air-dry
until completely dry.