Contact: Louie Pitt, Jr.
Director Government Affairs & Planning
Phones: 541-553-3540/541-777-1359
“As of 11:45 am, 12/8/2020 – Warm Springs Health ness Center has sent in or tested 5563 Total Tests, 129 Total New Tests, 43 run in-house (Abbot IDNow), 1 (2.3%) positive, 0 sent to reference labs (all to State Lab), 86 Binax Now; 7 total New Positives, 7 from today’s testing, 1 Abbott IDNow 6 Binax; 0 result(s) from our reference labs (tests from previous days), 0 results from outside sources hospitals, community testing events, etc.), 541 Total Positive Tests,. 4 currently hospitalized,, 1 on ventilator, 0 deaths, 10 cumulative deaths, 10 # of employees who have tested positive. There are currently 60 persons with active COVID-19 receiving daily monitoring by Tribal and IHS staff and 106 close contacts receiving daily monitoring by IHS staff.” Michele K. Miller, Deputy CEO, Portland Area Indian Health Service, Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center, 541-553-6275 (phone) Please keep practicing safe Covid-19 practices. Numbers of infections increasing all around us.