Covid-19 Community Update: 5 May

Warm Springs, OR May 5, 2020

May 5, 2020

Contact: Louie Pitt, Jr.
Director Government Affairs & Planning
Phones: 541-553-3540/541-777-1359

“As of 4:30p on 5/5/2020 – Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center has sent in or tested 210 test samples, with 191 Negative, 5 pending, 14 positive, 4 have recovered. (7 tested or sent for testing today) In addition, the STATE lab is taking 24-48 hours for results.” Hyllis  Dauphinais, Sr., CEO Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center.

The Warm Springs Tribal Council has approved more safety actions for the Warm Springs community and tribal employees. All citizens will wear a face covering (mask) while in public or in public places, where social distancing of six (6) feet or greater cannot be maintained. If a test was taken, whether negative or positive, the person must self-isolate or quarantine as directed by healthcare professionals. Businesses located on-reservation will mark spaces to demonstrate safe distancing of six (6) feet on floors or some other means to visual space apart. Zip codes will be the area OHA will use in reporting results. Closure of the tribal government will be through May 29 th , 2020. General Managers and Directors will determine what staff are to return and when.

Please be reminded: “This recommendation is contingent on test results and community safety. If we continue to see positive cases in the community, this plan will be adjusted accordingly. We need to ensure the safety of our community.” Tribal Council, WS Health and Wellness Center and CoVID-19 Response team.


OHA Zipcode index
