Warm Springs, OR — July 2, 2020
Contact: Louie Pitt, Jr.
Director Government Affairs & Planning
Email: louie.pitt@wstribes.org
Phones: 541-553-3540/541-777-1359
“As of 5:00p on 7/2/2020 – Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center has sent in or tested 1137 Total Tests, 1019 Total Negative, 32 Test Pending, 81 Total Positive Cases, 5 Total Invalid, 5 Hospitalized, 3 Discharged, 53 Recovered. Note – the STATE lab is taking 24-48 hours for results Our testing capability currently stands at 285 STATE and 254 ABBOTT test kits. We continue to do random surveillance testing of our high-risk community members, our healthcare and first responder staff, and we continue to conduct broader surveillance of the CTWS employees, as the community has reopened.” Michele K. Miller, Deputy CEO, Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center
The Boil Water Notice still in effect for Warm Springs Agency area. For more information contact: The Branch of Public Utilities, Water & Wastewater division at (541) 553-3246 The conservation of water at this time is critical due to our water infrastructure situation, so please keep your watering of lawns to a minimum. At this time, no current timeline on repairs.
Oregon Health Authority reported: “Today’s case count is Oregon’s largest single day total since the beginning of the pandemic, following the previous largest on Wednesday.” The number of CoVID-19 positives are increasing in rural and eastern Oregon. Young people need to be responsible individuals, as they can have no symptoms and still be carrying the infectious disease. The young as well as the rest of us must think about the elderly, sickly and those with compromised immune systems, realize now is not the time to visit them. A caring phone call would be very thoughtful.
The Warm Springs Corona Virus-19 Team is passing on ways to better cope with the stress of this disease: Take care of your body, connect with others, take breaks, stay informed, avoid too much exposure to news and seek help when needed. Go to the cdc.gov, search dealing with stress.
The second big holiday of the Summer, positive numbers spiked during Memorial day, let’s be safe-mask up, social distance, wash hands often, avoid gatherings, stay away from hot spots, modify your plans over the holiday to be safe to all you family and guests.
To check Oregon Status as of 0800 on 7/2/2020 go to https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19
Also Center for Disease Control go to: cdc.gov