COVID-19 Community Update: 14 April

Warm Springs, OR April 14, 2020

COVID-19 Community Update
April 14, 2020 – As of 4:30 p.m.

Currently there are zero cases of Corona Virus in Warm Springs. We have tested 22 individuals in Warm Springs with 17 of those tests returning as negative and 5 test pending results. We will notify the community when those results come back.

Social Distancing is staying at least 6 feet away from each other, not gathering in groups, staying out of crowded places and mass gatherings. Keeping space between you and others is one of the best tools we have to avoid being exposed to this virus and slowing the spread. So far, we are fortunate not to have any cases here. Let’s all be diligent in Social Distancing to ensure that we do our best to keep this virus out of our community! By staying home today, we will have each other longer to share good times and gatherings in the future.

Here is the statistics for our surrounding Counties:

The Jefferson County case is the out of state case.
Jefferson (Madras, Crooked River Ranch, WS) 1 Positive 105 Negative
Deschutes (Bend, Redmond, Sisters, Terrebonne) 55 Positive 1,113 Negative
Crook (Prineville) 1 Positive 107 Negative
Wasco (The Dalles, Celilo, Tygh Valley, Maupin) 10 Positive 333 Negative
Statewide: 1,633 Positive 30,730 Negative 55 Deaths

Age Demographic of Positive Cases Statewide:
0-19 38
20-29 182
30-39 249
40-49 303
50-59 289
60-69 287
70-79 178
80 + 107
Unknown 0

Again, stay home! Only go out for life necessities (groceries, medical needs). Wash your hands and Social Distancing of a minimum of 6 feet apart. Wear face masks for added safety.

The Clinic’s after hours nurse triage hotline is (541)553-5512. Regular hours is (541)553-1196.

Facemasks should be cleaned daily or when dirty.   Wash using soap and warm water.  Using a washing machine, hand wash or a dishwasher are all equally good options.  Use a dryer or air-dry until completely dry.

