Covid-19 Community Update: 27 Aug

Warm Springs, OR August 27, 2020

Contact: Louie Pitt, Jr.
Director Government Affairs & Planning
Phones: 541-553-3540/541-777-1359

“As of 8:47am, 8/27/2020 – Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center has sent in or tested 2678 Total Tests, 2389 Total Negative, 13 Tests Pending, 257 Total Positive Cases (43 Positive test from other facilities), 19 Total Invalid, 33 Hospitalized, 32 Discharged and 7 Deaths. There are currently 34 persons with active COVID-19 receiving daily monitoring by Tribal and IHS staff and 65 close contacts receiving daily monitoring by IHS staff. Note – reconciled data reduced out outside positive tests (-2). Wednesday – 8/26 a total of 17 tested, 3 new positives; 1 current hospitalization, on ventilator; 0 new COVID deaths.” Dauphinais, Hyllis, CEO, Warm Springs and Wellness Center, CoVID-19 Update

The basics for living in Central Oregon: summertime, so hydrate up, drive carefully, be courteous for some of us this is our home, fires-stay away from fire areas (note signage of restricted areas), give rights of way to emergency/fire vehicles, stay out of smoky areas, and of course practice your COVID-19 safety.

The Indian Head Casino is scheduled to open today, our guests need to be ready for temperature checks at the door, wearing face coverings, space between other persons (6 feet +), frequent hand sanitizing and washing of hands. Keep practicing courteous driving along the way and enjoy your visit to our casino and reservation.


