Wilson Wewa

Wilson Wewa

Job Title

Tribal Council Representative – Seekseequa District

Wilson grew up on the Warm Springs Reservation and spent much time on the
southern district of Seeksequa where his grandparents had a ranch. Throughout
his life he has been an active member of the community. He serves as the
supervisor for the Senior Wellness Program which he has done for 40 years. He
has been an advocate for the elderly and manages the Title VI Part A, nutrition
program for the elderly and the Title VI, Part C for caregivers and grandparents
raising grandchildren. Wilson is currently in his third term of the governing body
for the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs representing the Seeksequa district.
He first was elected to a 3 year term in 2007. Wilson was re-elected by his district
in 2019 to his second term and is currently serving his 3 rd term. Wilson is also
involved in water, land and cultural protection of his people’s lifeways.

Year Started